TMJ Disorder / TMD
The dysfunction of the TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) is called Temporomandibular Dysfunction or TMD. TMJs are the most active joint in our body and work hard during swallowing, speech, eating and even at rest.
To identify and diagnose the TMJ disorder, one has to investigate the origin and source of the dilemma. Keep in mind that we have a medical dilemma with a dental solution to it. This disorder is usually accompanied by pain. The nerve system involved is the trigeminal nerve and is responsible forĀ transferring the sensation of pain to the cortex of the brain.
Any trauma, even a simple blow to the jaw, can be transferred to the ligaments and trigger a long and painful journey. The good news is that since the jaw and its joints are made of live tissue they can be repaired given the right opportunity, the right nutrition and time.

Trauma, like whiplash, bad habits, bad bite, incorrect posture, grinding, and clenching can be the cause for TMJ dysfunction. On average, one out of every four or five people has some degree of TMD.
Signs of TMJ Problems and Dysfunction
- Frequent and reappearing headache
- Clicking, popping jaw joint with or without a grating sound
- Ringing in the ear, itching and aching ear
- Limited ability to open jaw
- Locked jaw in open or closed position
- Dizziness
- Painful mastication
- Throat and neck pain
- Lack of ability to find your bite
- Stiffened and tired jaw after or while eating
- Pain behind the eyes
- Tender scalp
- Difficulties in the act of swallowing
- Tongue, cheek and even gums can be in pain
- Clenching and grinding of teeth