Do You Have TMD? The Telltale Signs
Are you suffering from any of the following?
- Forehead headaches
- Temporal headaches
- Tension headaches
- Migraine headaches
- Sinus headaches
- Back of head headaches
- Hair scalp tender to touch
- Sinus pain
- Sinus problems
- Post nasal drainage
- Allergies
- Pain in/around eyes
- Bloodshot eyes
- Sensitive to light
- Tearing of eyes
- Blurred vision
- Pressure behind the eye
- Ear pain without infection
- Decreased hearing
- Clogged, itchy or stuffy
- Ringing, buzzing
- Dizziness
- Balance Problems
- Lack of mobility
- Stiffness
- Neck pain
- Tired/sore neck muscles
- Shoulder pain
- Back pain: middle, lower
- Arm/finger pain/numbness
- Swallowing difficulties
- Feeling of foreign object in throat
- Sore throat without infection
- Voice change
- Laryngitis
- Frequent coughing or clearing
- Abnormal opening
- Limited opening
- Bad bite
- Missing teeth
- Excessive mouth breathing
- Clench or grind teeth
- Mouth discomfort
- Inability to find “bite”
- Jaw pain
- Jaw joint pain
- Clicking/popping jaw joint
- Grating sound in jaw joint
- Pain in check muscles
- Uncontrollable jaw movements
- Jaw locks open/shut
- Deviates to one side on opening or closing
If you have answered YES to two or more of the above symptoms, you may have a problem with your Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) and should have an investigation.
Contact Dr. Mavandadi at 1-866-4theTMJ